InfoRange‘s goal is to improving rangeland use and governance and increasing resource-use and production efficiency in rangeland-based livestock production through digital and ICT applications/services that permit user-generated information acquisition and transmission. 

InfoRange uses a social-ecological systems approach to:

  •  Adapt, modify and further develop existing ICT tools for decision support in rangeland management and use as well as for veterinary service provision. 
  •  Render digital and ICT services more relevant for rangeland users’ immediate management decisions (e.g. on grazing, watering and health management) and overall rangeland governance.
  •  Develop procedures and solutions to enhance the use of ICT tools by land-users and increase their distribution and accessibility under reduced network coverage
  •  Integrate external telemetry and observatory data with land-user-generated data of bio-geo-physical ecosystem features and applications/services that permit user-generated information acquisition and transmission.

The project will be implemented in Kenya and Namibia. In Kenya, the project will be implemented in the northern arid and semi-arid Marsabit County in Laisamis and Moyale Subcounties – i.e. two study locations. In Namibia, InfoRange will be implemented in the Kavango East Region (including George Mukoya and Muduva Nyangana Conservancies)  and Omaheke Region (including the Eiseb Conservancy and Aminuis).

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