Second-Order Cybernetic Analysis to Re-construct Farmers’ Rationale When Regulating Milk Production
Restrepo, M. J., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2016)
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Second-Order Cybernetic Analysis to Re-construct Farmers’ Rationale When Regulating Milk Production
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 29(5), 449–468, in livestock resources in pastoral systems in Africa
Kaufmann B., Lelea M. A., and Hülsebusch C. G. (2016)
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Diversity in livestock resources in pastoral systems in Africa
Scientific and Technical Review of the Office International des Epizooties (Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz.), 35(2), 445–459, impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in northern Argentinean grassland
Kurtz, D. B., Asch, F., Giese, M., Hülsebusch, C., Goldfarb, M. C., and Casco, J. F. (2016)
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High impact grazing as a management tool to optimize biomass growth in northern Argentinean grassland
Ecological Indicators, 63, 100–109, to mobility constraints: Recent shifts in resource use practices and herding strategies in the Borana pastoral system, southern Ethiopia
Wario, H. T., Roba, H. G., and Kaufmann, B. (2016)
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