Transdisciplinary research for socio-ecological transformation of agricultural and food systems worldwide.
The German Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (German acronym: DITSL) is a centre of expertise for transdisciplinary research on the sustainable development and transformation of agricultural and food systems.
Together with stakeholders from practice, society and different scientific disciplines we do research to develop new knowledge and foster innovation by bringing together different perspectives, interests and skills and engaging in dialogue.
Our projects follow a socio-ecological research approach focusing on the actors, their actions and their knowledge.
In this way, we contribute to the development of options for solving specific problems in the area of food and income security.
Our research
... enhances methods for transdisciplinary cooperation and participatory action research
... promotes dialogue and the integration of knowledge from different actors
... particularly takes the influence of local contexts into account
.... develops practical solutions with the involvement of various local actors
... promotes learning processes that encourage changes in behaviour
...provides impulses and a basis for decision-making for society and politics
We work on four thematic key area
- Pastoral communities and rangeland management in drylands
- Inclusive agricultural value chains
- Food sovereignty
- Agroecology and organic farming