Going beyond “Add women and stir” in inclusive innovation processes: Facilitating participatory activities with pineapple chain actors in Uganda
Bitzan, K., Tröger, K., Lelea, M. A., Kagoro-Rugunda, G., and Kaufmann, B. (2016). Going beyond “Add women and stir” in inclusive innovation processes: Facilitating participatory activities with pineapple chain actors in Uganda. Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways, 12th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Meeting, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK, 12–15 July 2016, http://ifsa.boku.ac.at/cms/index.php?id=139&L=-1%252527
“The most important thing I have learnt is the passion for testing new things” Sparking small scale dairy farmers’ enthusiasm within a transdisciplinary project in Kenya
Restrepo, M., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2016). “The most important thing I have learnt is the passion for testing new things” Sparking small scale dairy farmers’ enthusiasm within a transdisciplinary project in Kenya. Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways, 12th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Meeting, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK, 12–15 July 2016, http://ifsa.boku.ac.at/cms/index.php?id=139&L=-1%252527
Manoeuvring through difficult terrain: How local traders link pastoralists to markets
Roba, G. M., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2016). Manoeuvring through difficult terrain: how local traders link pastoralists to market. Stanford Workshop on Drylands in Central Asia and Beyond: Insights and Innovations, University of Oxford and the Humbold-University Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 11 July 2016