Ute Gilles Project coordinator: WeltGarten

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Phone: +49 (0) 5542 607 92
Training After an apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade management Ute Gilles studied Organic Agricultural Science at the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen with focus on agricultural management and consumer research. She holds a Master Degree in Organic Agricultural Science.
Career Ute Gilles worked as administrator and controller in a social integrational project in Israel (1987-1989) and as assistant at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at the Lesotho Agricultural College with emphasis on book-keeping and marketing (1997). She did research on land use and land reform in a Social Forestry Project (1998) in Lesotho.
From 2001 to 2005 she was co-ordinator for a regional NGO-network in South Africa with emphasis on sustainable land use, land reform and mainstreaming HIV/Aids.
She worked as scientific assistant at the Department of Organic Food Quality and Food Culture, with emphasis on organisation analysis (2007) and at the Department of Agricultural and Food Marketing with focus on International Markets and Consumer Research (2008) at the University of Kassel.
Since March 2009, she is project coordinator of the educational project WeltGarten Witzenhausen (WeGa) where she fosters networking between involved institutions and other partner organizations, co-ordinates the educational programme with pupils and multipliers, procures funding and conducts PR activities and educational work.
Experience abroad Israel (3 years), Lesotho (3 years), South Africa (4 years)
Teaching Ute Gilles has tutored students in book-keeping and marketing at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry at the Lesotho Agricultural College and lectured on International Markets and Consumer Research as scientific assistant at the Department of Agricultural and Food Marketing at the University of Kassel. In 2008 she taught Arts and Crafts in Sek II. at the Freie Waldorfschule Werra Meissner, Eschwege. 
Current Projects