Selected publications: Value chains
Journal Papers (peer reviewed)
Richardson-Ngwenya, P., Fernandez, R., Restrepo, M. J., and Kaufmann, B. A. (2019)
Experience with participatory video proposals: assisting community organisations with innovation project planning
Development in Practice, , -
Richardson-Ngwenya, P., Restrepo, M., Fernandez, R., and Kaufmann, B. (2019)
Participatory video proposals: A tool for empowering farmer groups in rural innovation processes?
Journal of Rural Studies, 68, (in press, corrected proof) -
Roba, G. M., Lelea, M. A., Hensel, O., and Kaufmann, B. (2019)
Elusive Profits: understanding economic performance of local traders in the pastoral small ruminant value chain in northern Kenya
Nomadic Peoples, 23(1), 78–105, -
Richardson-Ngwenya, P., Höhne, M., and Kaufmann, B. (2018)
Participatory problem analysis of crop activities in rural Tanzania with attention to gender and wealth: ‘setting the scene’ to enhance relevance and avoid exclusion in pro-poor innovation projects
Food Security, 10(4), 859–878, -
Roba, G. M., Lelea, M. A., and Hensel, O., and Kaufmann, B. (2018)
Making decisions without reliable information: The struggle of local traders in the pastoral meat supply chain
Food Policy, 76, 33–43, -
Tröger, K., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2018)
The Fine Line between Trusting and Cheating: Exploring Relationships between Actors in Ugandan Pineapple Value Chains
The European Journal of Development Research, 30(5), 823–841, -
Tröger, K., Lelea, M. A., Hensel, O., and Kaufmann, B. (2018)
Embracing the Complexity: Surfacing Problem Situations with Multiple Actors of the Pineapple Value Chain in Uganda
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 31(5), 557–580, -
Roba, G. M., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2017)
Manoeuvring through difficult terrain: How local traders link pastoralists to markets
Journal of Rural Studies, 54, 85–97, -
Restrepo, M. J., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2016)
Second-Order Cybernetic Analysis to Re-construct Farmers’ Rationale When Regulating Milk Production
Systemic Practice and Action Research, 29(5), 449–468, -
Ngutu, M. N., Lelo, F. K., Kosgey, I. S., and Kaufmann, B. (2011)
Potential of pastoralist groups to manage small-stock marketing projects: A case study of groups in Farakoren and Malabot, Marsabit County, Kenya
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 23(1), 17,
Conference Contributions and invited speeches
Albrecht, J., Lelea, M. A., and Kaufmann, B. (2016). Trust as Integral to Multi-stakeholder Processes for Dairy Value Chain Improvement. Tropentag 2016, BOKU, Vienna, Austria, 18–21 September 2016 (Poster presentation)