Director Research Apl. Professor for Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land-use Systems at the University of Hohenheim Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! |
Training | Brigitte Kaufmann studied agricultural sciences at the Universities of Bonn and Hohenheim. She accomplished her doctoral degree in livestock sciences with emphasis on tropical livestock systems in 1998 at the University of Hohenheim. In her post doc research she shifted her research focus to actor oriented approaches and human activity systems and developed a methodology for knowledge analysis based on information theory and second order cybernetics in her habilitation (2007). |
Career | Brigitte Kaufmann is Apl. Professor for Social Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Land Use Systems at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim. Since March 2008, she is the scientific director of DITSL. From 1999 to 2008 she was assistant professor at the Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics (480a) at Hohenheim University. During her sabbatical leave from 2003 to 2005 she was visiting scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) for her DFG funded habilitation research. |
Experience abroad | Long-term: Kenya (4 years over several stays), Burundi (3 months), France (1 year), Spain (9 months) Short-term: Ethiopia, India, Mali, Mauretania, Mozambique, Niger, Oman, Thailand, Vietnam. |
Research | Brigitte Kaufmann has more than 25 years of research experience on tropical agriculture and livestock-based food and farming systems, particularly in highly heterogeneous and variable environments, such as pastoral systems. Since 2005 she focusses on transdisciplinary research in areas of food security, resource management, value chains and food systems and adaptation to climate change. In her research she emphasises methodological advances in the areas of integration of knowledge of scientists and practitioners, collaborative learning and multi-stakeholder processes. In the field of transdisciplinary research, she currently supervises PhD and MSc students working in the area of knowledge analysis, collaborative learning, multi-stakeholder processes and participatory monitoring and evaluation. |
Current Research Projects |
Completed Research Projects |
Teaching | Brigitte Kaufmann currently lectures at the Universities of Kassel and Göttingen in the MSc Programme Sustainable International Agriculture the module A08 “Social-ecology in livestock systems” and in the Studium fundamentale the blocked module “Local knowledge”. She further gives lectures in the Doctoral Program at the University of Hohenheim in the Module 1: Methods of Scientific Working (3000-820) on transdisciplinary research and knowledge integration and co-creation. |